Open Source VC
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Australia’s startup scene has delivered the 3rd-highest liquidity behind the U.S. and China, new analysis shows
LPs are waking up to the upside Down Under.
September 12, 2024
Industry trends & analysis
A step-by-step approach to running a Founder 360 review
If you're ready for some unfiltered feedback, you've come to the right place.
August 5, 2024
Guides & how-to’s
Our seed-stage term sheet
A plain vanilla, straight-up-the-fairway term sheet.
B2B blueprint for expansion into the US
Crowdsourcing insights on the who, what, when, where and how of expanding into the US.
April 29, 2024
Guides & how-to’s
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The Halo Effect — Kylie Frazer and Rachael Neumann
The dynamic duo behind Flying Fox Ventures share their path to becoming angel investors, investment philosophy and why they're lobsters.
How to perform due diligence as an angel investor
Do your DD like a pro by asking these big questions.
Guides & how-to’s
Marketing across borders
Building global marketing strategies is like baking a cake.
Insights & expertise
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A guide to deal sourcing for angel investors
There’s no singular “right” way to do deal sourcing. Here’s a few approaches to try and see what sticks.
Guides & how-to’s
The Halo Effect — Maxine Minter
Angel investor, syndicate leader, founder, and now the first solo female GP in Australia. We ask Maxine what it's like wearing all these hats.
A founder's advice for expanding into the US
From idea to $2 billion exit in 6 years, Sam Kroonenburg shares his top international expansion tips.
Insights & expertise
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How to create a parental leave policy
Here's how to build an attainable and commercially-viable parental leave policy for your startup.
Guides & how-to’s
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Angel Investing 101
The who, what, when, where and how of angel investing.
Guides & how-to’s
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Getting started with ESG as an early-stage venture
We’ve all heard of the rise of ESG in business, but how do we go from talking about it in theory to doing something in practice?
Guides & how-to’s
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Meet our sixth cohort of Explorers
A huge welcome to Explorer Cohort 6! These angel investors are ready to take your pitches.
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Evolving yourself as CEO for the next stages of growth
Did you embrace the title of CEO from day one? Or figuring out if it fits now? Ben Thompson shares his experience.
Insights & expertise
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Communicating the value of ESOPs to employees
ESOPs are misunderstood and undervalued by employees. But the good news is effective communication can solve for this.
Guides & how-to’s
Building the bank of the future – Our investment in Constantinople
Macgregor and Dianne are on a mission to radically simplify how banks run and operate.
Investor notes
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A grant writer’s guide to winning grant funding
Get in on the non-dilutive-cheap-capital grant action.
Guides & how-to’s
Crafting your ESOP: Key terms and best practice
Here are the key ESOP elements and terms we most commonly see across our 100+ portfolio companies.
Guides & how-to’s
How to put impact into action
Our approach to building a DEI strategy for teams looking for inspiration on how to put impact into action.
Guides & how-to’s
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How to choose the right employee share scheme structure for your startup
Figuring out the right scheme isn't rocket science, but it can be fiddly, so let's save you from the headache.
Guides & how-to’s
ESOP template doc for Aussie startups
Get your whole team thinking and acting like an owner with equity–we’ve got the docs to get you started.
Documents & legal templates
New Zealand's top startup grants
Startup friendly initiatives for Aotearoa founders.
Lists & databases
Our investment in Hnry
Claire and James are on a mission to revolutionise self-employment worldwide.
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COO 101 Part 2: Advice for COOs
Finding your fit as a startup COO: Tips for success in the early days.
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COO 101 Part 1: Advice for CEOs
Scoping, hiring and onboarding a COO for your startup: A seasoned COO’s tips for success.
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Meet our fifth cohort of Explorers
New year, new Explorers, and a huge welcome to Cohort number 5!
Lists & databases
Government grants for Australian startups
Save yourself the scroll through the Government's Grants and Programs finder and cut straight to the chase.
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Go-to-market lessons from Silicon Valley
Stephanie Carullo has developed an instinct for how startups can fine-tune their GTM from her time at IBM Cisco, Apple and Box.
Insights & expertise
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How to set up partnerships for success
Having partnered with the likes of Microsoft and SAP, Go1 is the perfect case study on how to scale through partnerships.
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Accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable supply chains – Our investment in Fair Supply
Kim and Arne are accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable supply chains.
Investor notes
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Airtree's Summer reading list – 2022 edition
Worked your way through the backlog of books on your nightstand and looking for something new to read? Look no further.
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Capital efficiency–it's in our DNA
All else being equal, Aussie founders are scrappier than their overseas counterparts. And we have the numbers to back it up.
Industry trends & analysis
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An aspiring founder's guide to finding your edge, idea and co-founder
What makes a good idea? How do you find the right co-founder? These are all questions Matt Clifford is well-equipped to answer.
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